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martes, diciembre 01, 2009

Full moon lightnin': documental de blues en DVD a tiempo para las fiestas.

Espero que este amail los encuentre bien de salud a medida que se aproximan las fiestas. Les voy a ahablar de la nueva presentacion de mi documnetal llamado Full Moon Lightnin.
En los ultimos 5 años estuve trabajando para traer este film a  las audiencias, y es con gran placer que anuncio que finalmente luego de un año en el circuito de films, el mismo esta disponible en DVD para las fiestas.

Esta edicion limitada de dos discos incluye el fim en DVD y la banda de sonido en CD, loa que han tomado al mundo como una una historia que nadie habia contado antes. Blues Revue dice "Full moon lightnin captura el espiritu del blues como no lo ha hecho otro film anteriromente"...Bill Wax de XM RADIO lo anuncia como una "Experiencia remarcable". The OXFORD FILM FESTIVAL "crudo, emocional y te deja sin aliento" y el respetado critico Craig Ruskey "Full moon lightnin' es una remarcable pieza de excelencia cinematografica"

Los invito a visitar y chequear las escenas, el trailer y fotos del film.

Bill Wax..."Floyd Lee es el mejor cantante que he oido en la ultima decada"

No pueden perderse este viaje inolvidable.

John Gardiner.

Willow Tree pictures

I hope this email finds you happy and healthy as we approach the holiday season. If I could just have a two-minutes of your time to tell you about my new feature length documentary film called FULL MOON LIGHTNIN. For the past five years I have been working on bringing this film to life and it is with great pleasure that finally after a year on the Film Festival circuit it is now available on DVD just in time for the holidays.

This special LIMITED EDITION 2-disc set which includes the film on DVD and the soundtrack on CD has taken the blues world by storm....It is a story like nothing you have ever seen before. BLUES REVUE says "Full Moon Lightnin' Captures the Spirit of the BLUES like no other film"...Bill Wax from XM RADIO claims it is "A Remarkable Experience". The OXFORD FILM FESTIVAL "Raw, Heartbreaking, Breathtaking" and respected blues critic CRAIG RUSKEY "Full Moon Lightnin' is an Absolutely Remarkable Piece of Cinematic Brilliance". Feel free to check out all the reviews HERE

I invite you come on by to visit and while you are there check out the trailer and tons of deleted scenes from the film. Join our mailing list and spread the word and we will send you a FREE compilation CD from the Floyd Lee Band. This remarkable collection of 21 tracks is taken from their previous four releases which have all gone to #1 on XM Radio. Bill Wax from XM Radio said that "Floyd Lee is the GREATEST BLUES SINGER I have heard in a decade".

Do not miss this UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEY. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
All the best to you,

John Gardiner

Willow Tree Pictures


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