RIP Eddie Bo 9/20/1930-3/18/2009: Una de las grandes leyendas de Nueva Orleans no ha dejado. Cantante, pianista, compositor y arreglista, Edwin Joseph Bocage, conocido en todo el mundo como Eddie Bo, fallecio en miercoles de un repentino ataque cardiaco. Tenia 78 años.
Eddie fue parte del fenomeno del Rhythm and blues de los 50 y 60's en Nueva Orleans, y se mantenmia en activo a pesar de su larga carrera. Eddie grabo numerosos temas para sellos como Ace, Apollo, Scam, Swan, Bluejay, Nola, Arrow, Cinderella, At Last, Seven B, Ric, Checker, Chess, Telarc, y ultimamente para su propio sello Bo.Sound. Eddie escribio canciones para Etta James, Tommy Ridgely, and Little Richard. Su mayor hit "Check, Mr. Popeye" acuño un termmino caracteristico para un particular ritmo de Nueva Orleans.
Durante sus ultimos años se unio a Raful Neal y Tabby Thomas para grabar un hermoso album, the Hoodoo kings. su influencia y el significado de su musica no debe ser subestimado.
Bob Corritore.
March 20, 2009
* RIP Eddie Bo 9/20/1930-3/18/2009: One of the great legends of New Orleans has left us. Singer/pianist/songwriter/arranger Edwin Joseph Bocage, who is known to the world as Eddie Bo, passed away on Wednesday of a sudden heart attack. He was 78. Eddie was part of the formative 1950s and 60s phenomenon of New Orleans rhythm & blues, and remained active throughout his long career. Eddie cut numerous records for labels including Ace, Apollo, Scam, Swan, Bluejay, Nola, Arrow, Cinderella, At Last, Seven B, Ric, Checker, Chess, Telarc, and his own Bo-Sound imprint. Eddie wrote songs covered by Etta James, Tommy Ridgely, and Little Richard. His biggest hit "Check Mr. Popeye" coined a term for a particular beat characteristic of many New Orleans songs. In later years, Eddie joined up with fellow Louisiana musicians Raful Neal and Tabby Thomas and put out a beautiful record on Telarc called Hoodoo Kings. His influence and significance to the music of New Orleans cannot be overstated.
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